Douglas Meyers shares office space with a small business incubator UpLink.
First jobs are creating corporate and legal graphics.
Moves into first studio. Humble beginnings in downtown Cincinnati.
Begins writing and producing the cartoon Ravens Of Mars.
Ninja Tom joins production team as 3D artist.
Moves studio uptown to Kennedy Heights Annex.
Production of Ravens Of Mars wraps up with a bangin’ release party.
Douglas begins after school programs
SkyVengers Cartoon LLC is officially founded.
Begins providing multi-media services including animation, voice direction and graphic design.
Begins production on Ravens of Mars Season 2.
Team includes a director, four artists, an editor, and development team.
With the pandemic seeping over the world, Douglas creates online content under Dr. Cartoon.
SkyVengers relocates to Northside- a creative neighborhood. Forms partnership with PAR Projects.
SkyVengers enrolls in a breakthrough business accelerator. Seeking consulting and coaching.
Begins fundraising to assemble the SkyVengers Mobile Cartoon Lab. Wins a grant and partnership with the Cincinnati Recreation Commission.
The Mobile Cartoon Lab rolls into locations. In the first three months, over 60 students begin the program. Several small animation projects are produced.
STAY TOONED! Amazing things are on the horizon.
Animation is a process. Cartoons are a product.
In animation, we use style, design and media. In cartoons we use story, narration and point of view. Come take a look at what it’s like when we animate cartoons.
At SkyVengers, our goal is to reconnect people to the fun and adventure of cartoons and animation. Not just for fun. But also to inform, educate and inspire.
In the studio, each of us has been lucky to be given direction and leadership at crucial points in our career. Part of the SkyVengers Mission is to inspire tomorrow’s generation of artists, animators, and storytellers.
Creative Sorcery
Imagination is magic. Wouldn’t you like to get in touch with your creativity? We are offering our Creativity Handbook in AniMag format. It’s chock full of information about creativity; ideas on how to spark creativity; and what to do with it once you’re tapped in.